AP Automation

GLOVIA G2 Capabilities
©CrescentOne 2022 | 200 Continental Blvd., 3rd Floor EI Segundo, CA 90245
800.713.1450 | marketing@glovia.com | www.glovia.com
Is the manual overhead of entering Supplier invoices swamping your AP department and then matching them ready for payment.
GLOVIA G2 has the solution for invoices from regular suppliers. You can map the elements of the invoice and then scan it. The OCR capability of the scanning will be used to automatically create an invoice in the AP ledger. Then you can use all the power of the GLOVIA G2 AP application to match and process the invoice for payment, with minimum of user intervention.
Contact CrescentOne to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 AP Automation ERP software at your company.
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