Timely Revenue Collection
Billing links sales contracts and orders of all types with GLOVIA G2 Accounts Receivable to provide you with the capability of instantly generating invoices and customer billing information. Processing starts as soon as a sale is made or a service is rendered. For greater flexibility, the ERP Billing system supports both sales order billing and contract billing, including progress billing and recurring invoices. Advanced invoicing supports service and maintenance contracts with deferred revenue recognition. Final price extensions, discounts, taxes, and expenses are all automatically figured in and itemized to create accurate customer invoices.
High-Volume Invoice Generation
To simplify the processing of large volumes of documents, GLOVIA G2’s Billing ERP software module prompts you to approve eligible shipped orders or delivered contracts for the purpose of generating and printing invoices, credit memos, and debit memos. The actual printing process itself is under batch control and generates a complete audit trail.
Financial Impact Visibility
The billing process generates all the necessary financial posting information to update both GLOVIA G2 Accounts Receivable and GLOVIA G2 General Ledger. Online inquiries provide customer account and document status, including the latest balances and transaction details.
Simplified Tax Reporting
Tax detail and summary reports provide information on taxable and non-taxable sales and tax amounts by taxing authority. Financial reports provide detailed postings to the General Ledger.
Integrated Reporting System
In addition to basic invoices and other billing documents, key audit and control information, such as sales data, expenses, taxes and financial impact, are generated for processing in other applications. The ERP Billing module captures fully detailed data for use by Accounts Receivable subsidiary ledger, Sales Analysis reporting and the General Ledger system.
Multinational Capabilities
GLOVIA G2’s Billing ERP software module supports multinational capabilities for document generation and posting in foreign currency. This provides the necessary information to account for the exchange rate variances that occur between the time a sales order is shipped, billed and paid and the time when the actual bank deposit is made.
The system also provides complete value-added tax (VAT) and Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) accounting and international addressing as well as other international requirements.
Billing Methods
- By sales order, shipment, or consolidated orders
- Progress billing triggers by project task, relative dates, and delivery of materials or services
- Recurring invoices support period billings such as leases
Billing Documents
- Creation of invoices, credit and debit memos
- Direct online creation or offline batch generation mode
- Batch selection by sales order, customer, or all available orders
- Multiple sales orders per invoice
- Comments on header, line, and bottom of document
- Customer billing location
- System- or user-assigned document control numbers
- Currency with exchange rates
- Item and service number, description, and quantities shipped / services delivered
- Extended monetary amounts for costs and prices in detail and total
- Additional charges and expenses
- Discount calculation
- Sales, excise, use or VAT tax
- Packing, shipping, and bill of lading information
- Accounting codes for integrated financial postings
Document Printing
- Online mode for printing selected documents
- Offline batch mode by queue for volume printing
- Duplicate billing without general ledger posting
Billing Policies and Control
- Odometer for invoices, credit and debit memos
- User-defined aging periods
- Service charge options
- Multi-level sales tax
- Value-added tax policies
Fiscal Calendar Period Roll
- Confirm new fiscal period control dates
- Define dates for secured out-of-period transactions
- Roll to new fiscal year
Inquiries and Reports
- Individual Invoice with document search
- Individual credit and debit memo with document
- Search
- Billing document register
- Tax detail
- Tax summary
- Period financial impact
- Odometers and policies
- Billing authorization
Download CrescentOne data sheet to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 Billing ERP software module at your company.
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